1973 – Silvio Micheli

“…Viani saw things clearly. Eugenio Pardini was not cut out to mortify emotions and ideas in a few square centimeters of canvas. His discourse never stopped at the details, or at the items themselves for the mere sake of it: he needed more space to breathe, perhaps the rush of wind that swept away the dusty atmosphere of so much repetitive, solemn, evasive painting of the Fascist era. In those years of confused trends, he worked in isolation and silence in the attic of his home in Via Machiavelli…”


was born in Viareggio, in the province of Lucca; he spent a happy childhood, forming close bonds with his homeland, from which he would draw inspiration for his novels.

In his hometown, he attended the technical-professional institute, and following his diploma, he specialized in drawing and industrial design.

In 1944 he joined the anti-fascist partisans, and from this experience drew inspiration for his novels Giorni di fuoco and L’Artiglio ha confessato.

With the novel Pane duro, he won the Premio Viareggio in 1946.


Pane duro, Einaudi, Turin, 1946

Un figlio, ella disse, Einaudi, Turin, 1947

Tutta la verità, Einaudi, Turin, 1950

Giorni di fuoco, Editori Riuniti, Rome, 1955

Il facilone, Vallecchi, Florence, 1959

L’Artiglio ha confessato, Vallecchi, Florence, 1960

Capitani dell’ultima vela (I: Gran Lasco, II: Una famiglia viareggina nei mari del mondo), Mursia, Milan, 1972

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