“…Pardini is one of the few who have managed to conserve a modest tone, although one of heated involvement, towards the atrocities of the historic battle and compassion for human suffering.”
(1899 – 1981), Italian writer, poet and essayist.
With Òboe sommerso Quasimodo courageously eschewed every youthful hiatus in pre-established cadences, in descriptive and narrative lulls in order to organize all his expressions around his most profound lyrical nucleus… Skeletal and immediate is his poetry, where the image, captured in a solitary fashion, entrusts all to the absorbed tone of voice which pronounces it. But in which, beyond an image, beyond a verse, the constituent organism, the elementary cell, is the word (quoted in Gilberto Finzi’s introduction to Salvatore Quasimodo, Tutte le poesie, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milan, 1968)
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